Monday, July 29, 2019

Advertising is a Marketing Tool Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Advertising is a Marketing Tool - Essay Example Advertising campaigns are prepared with a specific intention in mind. They target specific products or the overall product attributes of an enterprise. Wendy’s has prepared advertising campaigns to highlight the fast service of its carry out window order service with the added message that is open after midnight. The use of publicity is much different than advertising. The purpose of creating publicity is to raise awareness about the company as a whole. An unwritten rule about publicity is that any publicity either positive or negative is good for the company because it gets the name of the company out in the conscious of the customers. Sometimes companies create stunts to create publicity in an unethical manner. For instance a CEO might go on public television on a rampage burning the competitor’s products and services in order to create a media reaction. These types of publicity stunts should not be used since they hurt the integrity of the marketing profession. 2. In your response you mentioned a lot of differences between advertising and publicity. I like your response a lot. One of the differences between the two concepts is the planning associated with each of them. Advertising requires a systematic plan that requires a specific budget, timeline, and other variables. On the other hand publicity a lot of times occurs as a spur of the moment event. For instance if a company wins an award from a recognize magazine for best customer service within its industry this occurrence will create publicity for the firm. The company did not plan for the publicity. 3. participation article In the article Marketing Ethics in Emerging Markets – Coping with Ethical Dilemmas the author mentions some cases concerning lack of marketing ethics including the Nestle occurrence in India. Nestle took advantage of the ignorance of portions of the Indian population to launch a fear campaign in order to persuade people to switch from tap water to the bottle water the company was launching. To me this type of behavior is unacceptable. Corporations should try to educate the local population in emerging economies to make the customers more aware of the virtues of acquiring consumer products. Corporations should not use disinformation to confuse the consumers in an attempt to gain a competitive advantage. Sele, K. (2006, March). Marketing ethics in emerging markets -- Coping with ethical dilemmas. IIMB Management Review, 18(1), 95-104. 4. Participation – Dave I agree with you that the publicity that BP received for committing one of the biggest blunders in the history of mankind is a disgrace. Unfortunately there is a rule in marketing that states that any kind of media coverage irrelevant if is good or bad provides a positive impact to the company in the long run in terms of free publicity. Another example of a company that gained a lot of free publicity for doing a bad act was Nike Corporation during the late 1990’s. The company was involved in a sweatshop scandal that was perceived by the general public as an abuse of power and a disgraceful act considering the prices the company charges for its tennis shoe models. 5. Participation – Article The article Marketing Wisdom for 2006: 110 Marketers & Agencies Share Real Life Tips was a very interesting piece of literature. The topic that I liked the most from the article was the website segment. In this section the author emphasized to trust your marketing instincts and not to be intimidated by technology. The opinion of a software engineer in regards to what should be included in the content of the website is not as important as the recommendation of the marketing department. Other technologies such as CRM system should be welcomed by marketing people

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